• I'm dying inside
    Your kisses so evil
    Your hugs so cold
    It makes my stomach turn
    like the poison that burns
    You try to make me think
    that I'm your little slave
    with that fake smile
    that makes me turn away
    It makes me sick
    It makes me want to puke
    Now that I see the real you
    The you that lied
    The you the used
    The you that corrupted
    Everyone around you...
    and me
    because of you
    I've lost my firends
    I've lost my life
    I almost lost my soul
    but that I will not let go
    I'm not going to sulk
    I'm not gonna die
    I won't surrender
    I'm gonna live
    a life without you
    a life without those people
    who's minds you've corrupted
    I'll go
    make a new life
    make new firends
    ones that won't listen
    to someone that lies
    to someone that hurts
    to someone who destroys lives
    And I'll find a new love
    one that will cherish
    everything we do
    Who will always stand by me
    She''ll be everything that's not you
    So I say goodbye
    and I say thank you
    you made me see the light
    you desperately tried to hide
    Once more I say goodbye
    To the heartless fake love I sent away.