• I have waited 31,536,000 seconds for this day,
    When the dead shall rise and stumble my way,
    Where the storybook legends come to life,
    And masked men make their way through the night,
    Girls grow fur and gain eight more lives,
    Newborn ninjas whip out their knives,
    Tiny-tot Transformers close their eyes
    As their worst fears begin to materialize.

    The only day of the year I dare to tell lies,
    I don black and white to achieve my disguise,
    Throw on a mask, arm a couple blood-red knives,
    A terror of the night, I leap from the skies,
    Hero or villian, that's for you to realize
    As behind the mask you study my darkened eyes,
    For I no longer fear the dark, I am the darkness.
    Not scared of the unknown, I am the nothingness.
    I am the reason that monster hides under your bed,
    My name fills the Bogeyman's heart with dread.
    I am a hero that makes little kids cry,
    'Cause they stereotype masks and knives with the bad guy.
    But hey, who cares, I'm here to save lives,
    Don't matter how fresh is the blood on my knives.
    I'm more quiet than the shadows thrown across the walls,
    Faster than the heartbeats echoing throughout the halls.
    Heck, I am the shadow darker than the rest!
    I am the reason your heart strikes your chest!
    And I don't even know which part is best,
    Watching you tremble or your brave face put to the test?
    As I stumble and sway, coming your way,
    Blood-red knives swinging, you've nothing to say.
    You're knees are weak, you know better than to speak,
    Don't move a damn muscle, don't even think,
    Because I'm irritatingly impulsive,
    And down-right disgusting and repulsive.
    Watch out, you might just ignite my will
    To turn and make your blood spill.
    Upon my departure, go tame that monster under your bed,
    Then open the closet door and beat the Bogeyman dead.
    Because I am the terror of the night,
    Hero or villian, you have yet to realize.

    I wake up the next day, black and white cloth all over the room,
    Again I'm an agonizing average, I feel I've changed too soon.
    I pick up the mask, placed it on my face, and it's always what I fear -
    The Halloween Hero won't wake for another year.