• Standing on the corner of the street
    tears streaming down on my face.

    Slipping, tripping, and falling down on my knees,
    as i ran.
    My heart beating faster.

    Why am i running?
    what am I running from?
    your love.

    Im sick of love,
    love hurts.
    You know why i am running?
    its because i want to jump off a bridge and die.

    Maybe then, then you will leave me alone.
    Maybe then, you could not hurt me.
    Maybe i could live life in another world.
    A world without you.

    As i fall down deeper and deeper,
    i see a world full of hatred, sadness, and loneliness.

    All black and white.
    Doesnt sound welcoming, does it?
    well this is my world now.

    This is my sanctuary,
    you are not allowed here.
    For if you entered,
    i would be lost to any realm, forever.

    Im begging you to leave me alone.
    Do not come near me,
    As i suffer and perish into flames.
    For I have love you too much.