• Here, in the cusp of my hand is a vivid, cerulean sea
    Where underneath its breaking shores lie a rainbow of mermaids
    And above the tidal currents yonder treasure-seeking pirates

    I hold dear to this faith.

    My half-dead heart is held together by a thread of snowy white
    Holding what is left of my frostbitten spirit

    Sweetheart, I don’t think you believe in dreams.

    I lay on the cold, clammy sheets that draper over my bed
    In here, I can see the caldron black pot of gold the Leprechauns left
    Tonight, the goblins will launch the invasion against the dwarf warriors
    And in the depth of the night, the tooth fairy will pay for that bicuspid I lost

    You keep speaking to me in tongues I will never understand.

    Carefully, I bite at the satin scarlet ribbon tied around my finger
    Only in the depths of my placid-painted room do I find the solace I need

    Don’t be so jealous. Isn’t this what you wanted?

    I know where I belong now.

    Beauty is imagination.