• Please take a minute, to listen to what I construct,
    For I try to explain my expressions, in this single product.
    While you were gone, I took time to express,
    The things on my mind, get some things off my chest.
    I'm not perfect, and never shall I say the accusation,
    So without further delay, here is my evaluation.
    You are a role model, someone I admire,
    And it hurts me when I refuse, sets my soul on fire.
    I know you asked, for me to assist,
    And when I said no, I tried my best to resist.
    It eats me alive, when I know I let you down,
    So this is the reason, that I am making this sound.
    Round and round, my conscience keeps the warning,
    That I should write this, so I wrote this this morning.
    You are my friend, and nobody can replace you,
    So what should I try, to make it up too?