• Doubting every step i take,
    Wishing that the fear would run away,
    Though the whole of the world,
    Watching through the stage light,
    They only see half of the whole,
    For my soul is tormented in its loneliness,
    As if it's mate was lost forever,
    Thoughts fill my head never stopping,
    Is it my voice that fills my ears,
    Or is there someone else behind these eyes,
    That thought is what keeps me up at night,
    Voices fading in and out as time slowly slips by,
    Thoughts of my friends and family,
    And of the possibility of a soul mate,
    Some where out there in this cold world of ours,
    Wishing for the moment that we meet,
    Yet I am pulled from my thoughts as twilight ends,
    The mist of night fading into the light of the morning sun,
    As her voice fades from my mind,
    Time resumes it's ever lasting beat and the world moves on.