• I awoke as if from a dream, my body lay behind me, my fingertips were numb, my breath was visible, as i gaze over the scape, i see only black, off in the distance a single star shines, it beckons me forward, the voice of a siren. My first step is that of an infant i stumble and fall into nothingness, once again my vision is bare, all around me i can do nothing but stare. my eyes open as if i blinked the area before me has taken a shape, the lips of this creature form a word, all i hear is the color of black, i am blind again, my senses gone, a faint knock on my door the keyhole bursts the flames climbing high, my skin catches fire, i've begun to fly. I watch as the ground below me fades into the distance, the star has come back and its arms are opening, calling me forth. i can no longer hide from it's voice, that of an angel. all i can do is scream, drown it out, run from it. i am being dragged, pulled, taken from life. is this death? only this angel can tell, i ask with what's left of my voice, all i can hear is the color black, my vision was robbed from me taken by force, what is this prison? why am i here? i am riddled with fear, i am frozen in place, i open my eyes, and i see her face, the beauty of this angel is incomparable, her voice that of a siren, i fall asleep once more, in the arms of this goddess, as the world fades into darkness the shapes emerge, thank you my love, for saving me from hell.