• When I first saw him in pitch black night
    His deep sparkling eyes shone with the moon
    He had a mysterious disposition to him
    As we stood there in silent wonder
    I thought I must be dreaming
    He was too amazing to be real
    But there he stood in front of me
    My wonderful midnight dragon
    He was powerful with the strength of a thousand men
    But he was gentle with the kindness of a lamb
    He was adventurous and exciting, exploring everything in sight
    But he was timid and yet shy, though he didn't show it
    No matter what he was
    He was my wonderful midnight dragon
    We spent happy days together
    Slowly growing closer
    And I was growing attached to that lovely midnight dragon
    But no matter how much time we had together
    There was still some questions left unanswered
    So close and yet so far
    To my wonderful midnight dragon
    There were others who were after that magical midnight dragon
    Wanting to use him for his power and hurt him with their stone
    I wanted to protect my precious midnight dragon
    He was too trusting, though I could see through their masks
    I did try to warn him and protect him from their grasp
    He then too saw through the mask, but only a little too late
    They had already hurt him, my wonderful midnight dragon
    Though they set him free, he was still in pain so
    I tried to comfort him, my suffering midnight dragon
    I too was in pain, because he had chosen them
    I had always been there for him
    Though he never let me in
    Sadness overwhelmed me as I watched that midnight dragon
    He was too forgiving and I didn't understand
    I realized that I didn't understand my wonderful midnight dragon
    This relationship we had, as confusing as it was
    Caused me lots of stress, much more than I ever need
    I'm not sure if we were ever meant to be
    Maybe I was jealous of everyone so close
    Maybe that's my downfall and why I'm now like this
    But I care so much for this beautiful midnight dragon
    Not sure what to do about this
    I want to stay with him, my wonderful midnight dragon
    But maybe I need to set him free to be that wonderful midnight dragon
    If he comes back to me that will be great
    But if he stays away, then it wasn't meant to be
    So goodbye my midnight dragon
    Go off to the place where you belong
    But please don't forget to remember me, that silly little girl
    I know I will never forget you, my wonderful midnight dragon.