• A promise is met to be kept,
    I will hold myself to most.

    I promise to go down with a fight,
    Not to dwell on those life’s that end in bloodiness and
    The unkindness of the destruction that surrounds me.

    I promise not to think twice,
    Just think and do,
    Not to think of those I left at home,
    But those who I’m fight for, and
    My reason for doing so.

    I promise to eat went I can,
    And shower when I able to,
    Not to care about deo,
    The place will smell worse than me.

    I promise to never give up,
    Never leave one behind,
    Never loose faith., and
    Never forget my reason for coming,

    Knowing I my not come back,
    I ask one thing of you,
    Will you promise not to forget me,
    For my reason for fight, is to protect you.