• I close my eyes and instead of the normal pain of memories your face clouds my dreams
    A relief a break from the breaking
    Until i recall the words that haunted me the words of your curtain call the pain at the time i could just pull you back
    But no longer have i that soothing effect on my angel it seems that you no longer need me but to keep me close
    And while fear swallows me i can't help but follow you anywhere
    Your light is all i need to know the innocence has not been fully stolen but at those times when you turn dark and the hatred you can not fully hid takes over
    I fear that this time your light will be gone and knowing that you are not mine and i am not yours those moments fear me most that i may lose the last bit of you
    And while some part of me will always hold on I no longer know why other than nothing you do could ever possibly make me hate you
    Your light draws me but not just that your heart and pureness for you are everything i could want and nothing i could have
    Darkness taints Light so while it is almost addicting to want to reach out and touch your pureness i never could without taking what is left
    And as that is the issue between you and I
    So as the dreams start to slip in its your face and your memories while my heart surges out to touch you i never can
    But as it goes on my heart is barring and angry to watch you be beaten and riducled the Darkness that always threatens you overtakes me
    The fear of tainting you is nearly enough to keep at bay how i feel
    Until your eyes close and i know you aren't listening anymore i can let it out without fear of ruining my angel