• Lying is the easiest thing to do
    Lying is the hardest thing to admit

    Don't leave me...

    One lie multiples
    It feeds on your emotions
    The "it'll blow over", and the "it'll be okay"
    None of it matters now

    I beg of you..
    Don't leave me...

    My lies are in the light
    The one I love has found me out
    Everything I've said false is finally in sight,
    I wish I could get angry, but I'm not the one to pout

    Love I need you...
    Don't leave me...

    Now dearest dearest lovie,
    My one and only torniquet,
    My shoulder to cry on,
    My heart to confide in,

    Please stay..

    What do you think of me now?
    Will you throw me to the curb?
    Will you see past this,
    Will you take me home?

    Don't break my heart..
    Don't go...

    Please my love without you I'm nothing
    People say these words and make them hollow

    Don't hurt me like this...

    My love, my words are filled
    My words are lush
    My words are true
    And the only one I'd speak them for is you

    Your the one that keeps me sane

    Please see past my mistake
    I'll sew any wounds I made

    Don't Leave me...