• I am unaware of what you're seeking
    The truth is so much better than the lie
    Needless to say, lies are all you're leaking.

    Bring it back to the beginning please
    The past bears sweeter misfortunes than now
    Kinder than the innocence that you tease

    Despite the every sleazy lie you could purr
    I convinced myself you would bring good to me
    Now you leave me quite uncertain, and unsure.

    Grant me faith and lend me some security
    Allow me to see a different side of you
    Let me linger on words you said sweetly

    My heart seems to be strained for you now
    The sweet thing it use to be grows cold
    It's pained from the only truth you allow

    And still I will dwell on pleasant memories
    Ignoring the cold part of you I loath
    Omitting presages everyone sees