• The world belongs to all of us some people understand
    But people abuse the earths resources its water, its dirt, its sand
    The world is trying hard to cope we dont appriciate its trys
    The earth is getting sicker every night

    The next time you drop a bottle in the wrong trash place
    Know your abusing your own home
    Your polluting your own space
    Give the earth a christmas present of peace and humanity
    Becauase the earth gives a place to stay for free

    Earth is big and gives you presents all year round
    The beutyfull veiw at Niagra Falls soon wont be found
    To save the earths beutyfull terrains the task wout be simple
    We must change our ways of life completly or earth will pop like a pimple

    We have until 2012 to treat the earth right
    Or the rumors wont be proven wrong withought giving a fight
    Everything not the same nothing on our planet
    Save the big green give earth a christmas present