• Sometimes it's just hard, too hard
    To see
    Whether you really love her, just her
    Or me

    My head starts to hurt
    I don't have the heart to ask
    If you want to run back
    Back to what is past

    When I look at your eyes, those eyes
    Of blue
    Inside I become scared, so scared
    Of you

    Maybe there are things
    That will just never change
    Like how rain is rain
    And your love, the same

    My heart starts to throb, oh please
    Make it stop
    These orbs begin to tear, thinking
    Horrid thoughts

    You hold me in your arms
    I tremble at your touch
    Oh how I wish you would love me
    Just as I do (So much)

    I refuse to let go, let you go
    From my heart
    Because I know you'd run back, leave me
    In the dark

    Inside I try to ask
    To know what is right
    Am I just to forget?
    A mere tool for your heart?