• It was a normal day, like any other
    Showering in the love from my sister and mother
    Basking in the opportunities
    That fell out of the sky and came to me

    The days passed by, nothing out of order,
    As the week crept towards it's wretched border
    But then a knock came by, thought to be just an insurance bother
    It turned out to be my great grandfather

    He said that his wife, my great grandmother
    Had disappeared, and nothing other
    We realized that this was not a joke
    She was gone, with no note

    We called the hostpitals, all over my county
    Of which there was a bounty
    We then found one, our great grandma was there
    She had some heart trouble, and we thought, that was fair

    But the troubles were worse than ever before
    A complication one day, and the next even more
    Days went by, with no improvement
    We feared the next step was a tombstone movement

    Then that faitful night, December the 3rd
    My mother flew in like a rustled up bird
    She asked me if I knew what she was going to say,
    I shook my head yes, and that ended the day

    I was purely in shock
    As I sat and wondered
    What shall I do
    My first Christmas without her...

    Now It's been over a year
    And when Christmas is here
    Instead of anticipating presents galore
    I think of my great grandma, and love her even more heart