• Sitting alone in the everlasting dark
    I need your love to come out and shine
    To brighten my day and become my light
    I’ve never felt so alone in all my life
    I have friends around me but never
    Are they understanding and accepting
    As I think you would be.

    Turning around, I realize that
    You have left me so far behind
    I thought that you would follow me
    To protect me and save me
    In my times of need, never
    To let me go into the dark again

    My eyes widen as dawn beholds me
    To reveal all the lies I have imagined
    To protect my heart
    Against the inevitable truth
    That you do not love me
    As I do you, and once again
    I slip into the everlasting dark.

    Yet even as all this hits me,
    I make a decision to never care.
    For I love you, and everything
    Can stand in my way
    I will break them down
    And defeat the everlasting darkness
    To face the sun shining bright once again