• Loneliness is truely the time keeper of the soul.
    It keeps it's hourglass polished and proud.
    For it knows the truth deep inside our minds.

    Waking up is only the dream anew for it's hourglass.
    Sleep is but the cruel fantasy is enjoys as a hobby.
    Both realms is it's domain and weapons of choice.

    Nothing is more cruel than our own minds in it's hands.
    One can only befirend it's smile for so long a time.
    Hostage we are held to it's will and tools of torment.

    Many sucome to it's ultamite wants and desires.
    Eternal darkness and scilence is the final grain in its hourglass.
    The final grain is the color of a tear for the last one we shed.

    Only the warmth of another soul can render The Keeper dormant.
    It greatly fears its own tools and will stop at nothing to stay "awake".
    So be weary of The Keeper and hope one day it might stay in loneliness.