• Why did suddenly our lives change like they did?
    Why did we engage in this forbidden romance?
    Everyone said to do it, but no one supported the idea.
    We talked and we discussed and we concluded,
    that this was what we wanted. More than just friendship.

    It’s almost like a dream to me, the perfect girl saying yes,
    I never once imagined that positive response from her.
    I remember being completely dumbfounded when said it,
    when she leaned over and took my first kiss, rather, when I gave it.

    As of now, that wonderful night remains the best moment of my life.
    Since then, I’ve had more experiences with her that vie for first place,
    but not one can pass that one night, full of insects and room cleaning.
    The one where I confessed my love, the one where she reciprocated it.
    It has been a little rough ever since then, but I wish that was not the case.
    I trust the world to her, she trusts me. I love her dearly, and she loves me.
    Yet we’ve stumbled across something that bothers me into sleepless nights,
    the thought that something really upsets her that I can't help her with.

    She tells me I’d be hurt, that I shouldn’t ask. She said something else…
    that she had no best friend to talk to. That hurt me more than anything.
    Knowing that she couldn’t talk to me stung like nothing I had felt before.
    I understand her concern, yet at the same time I find it hard to truly grasp.
    I went into this knowing, expecting to get hurt, but with no intention of it.
    I feel that I can handle anything she could possibly throw at me.

    I want to make things work because I love her, I always have.
    And I’ve always cared, always. She became my first girlfriend,
    my first true love, but most importantly, my first best friend.
    I would hate to lose that, all of that over this little (big) thing.
    I love you, my Angel. Please see this through, for our sake.