• I'm sorry for all the problems I caused,
    I'm sorry I couldn't rewind or pause,
    I'm sorry I didn't treat you that well,
    I'm sorry I didn't, I'm going to hell,

    I'm sorry I didn't love you enough,
    I'm sorry my heart is fragile and stuff,
    I'm sorry I'm arrogant, Pathetic and mean,
    I'm sorry we couldn't be a team,

    I'm sorry I tried to hard and failed,
    I'm sorry I lie, and I'm sorry I bailed,
    I'm sorry I get jealous, as easy as that,
    I'm sorry I'm always saying I'm fat,

    I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you,
    I'm sorry I couldn't help you get through,
    I'm sorry that I was someone I'm not,
    I'm sorry that it was my last shot,

    I'm sorry that I made you cry,
    I'm sorry that I always, "Sigh.."
    I'm sorry I couldn't give you happiness,
    I'm sorry I wasted you're time, and gave you less,

    I'm sorry I always make things so hard,
    I'm sorry i didn't send you a Christmas Card,
    I'm sorry I stuffed up, Really It's wrong,
    I'm sorry I'm making this poem so long,

    I'm sorry I'm shy, and not very outgoing,
    I'm sorry I made you take that photo of it snowing,
    I'm sorry I don't love you and such,
    But I'm really sorry, I say Sorry to much...

    All my poems are ones I write at night.
    I can't sleep anymore-
    So I just write...