• Camellia blossom a flower without fragrance
    No alluring smell to trace
    No enticing beauty to behold with grace
    A humdrum flower without elegance

    White-washed flower seemingly meek and bleak
    No sudden hint of a scent to permeate the air
    No colors to tint its petals in awe-aspiring flair
    White-washed flower, blossom and reach your peak

    Brimmed with a touch of tenderness it grows despite the dim
    A trifle of a flower, laden in sun silken rays
    Emitting showers defeating stark barren days
    When your petals scatter, it is tragic and grim

    Remaining silent and still in birth and in death
    A camellia fleetingly decays never losing its vigor
    A camellia is reborn enduring natures rigors
    Overlooked and overshadowed I realize it does have a breath