• As i sit here and look back on my life i see alot of mistakes and heartbreaks
    you would think sitting here i would change it
    but no
    i would take more chances
    take more pain, and weigh my gains
    i would play russian roulette with my heart
    and see how many time i lost, and got to watch it get torn apart
    and let the blood drain from the veins from my broken hear
    ive learnd that love is a war
    there is never a winner
    no matter how long the war lasts the pain always exists
    even when the happy times arive and the pain is dulled in the midst
    the midst of happiness, and pleasure, hopeing that it stays good forever
    but we eventually learn that the goods a front
    and the pain ruturns
    so the love fades and the blades return
    and the cycle continues