• "You slayed our people,
    You overtook our homes.
    Overthrew our kingdoms,
    And seized our thrones.

    You reveled in our blood,
    Slayed our women and children too.
    Genocide upon our kind you made,
    Believing we were through.

    You feared our rise,
    Awaiting the day we struck.
    Now because of that fear,
    your murderers run amok.

    We few still linger,
    Offering warning that our spirits still remain.
    And we will seek divine retribution for those that were slain.

    Your monsters will pay with their only lives,
    Their blood must be spilled.
    We will splinter the foundation of the kingdoms which we built.

    We seek vengeance for peace, for it is the only way,
    And we hear your voices tremble as you hear what we say.

    Pay the price you must,
    An eye for an eye.
    We will make you suffer, bleed, and watch you die.

    My friends, my family, my son, and my wife,
    In their loving memory I become your harbinger of strife.

    I watched them fall, I heard my beloved cry my name,
    And your men chose to slay her all the same.

    And than you did the unthinkable,
    You went and struck down an innocent child.
    This evil deed brought about my inner demons of the feral and the wild.

    A berserker's fury,
    Unlocked and Unleashed.
    And only ends when the body falters and is claimed deceased.

    I know that I killed many before I fell,
    And I will kill them again when I arrive in Hell.

    I shed many tears on my dying day,
    And not even the gods can take that agony away.

    You know not of love, care, and feelings of the heart.
    You know of pain, death, and lust.
    Emotions that tear man apart.

    These terms are familiar to me and my kind,
    You brought these words into our lives with your wretched minds.

    You stripped us of our bodies and wracked our very souls.
    We are not those you once knew,
    You birthed within us hearts of coal.

    We are not so different anymore, you and I.
    You created us,
    Monstrosities to the sinister eye.

    A demon forged in the fires of Hell I have become,
    But unto your vile ways, I will never succumb.

    Unlike you, I retain my humanity.
    I have the memories of my friends, my family, my wife, and my son.
    I will see to it that in my death your wicked ways are undone.

    I will bring forth hope through your utter destruction,
    Death will come to you through your unintended seduction.

    You made me, you bred me, and than you slayed me,
    Tell me, what do you have to fear of a ghost that should not be.

    I will show you Hell, I will bring about your ancient fear,
    That fear that you felt that caused these events to be so near.

    So come from our homes which you so willingly stole,
    Come from our kingdoms that brought up my people as a whole.

    You cannot kill what is already dead,
    You cannot kill that which is manifest dread.

    You and your people will pay the price that must be paid,
    Because of you the scales of balance have been over-weighed.

    So it must be restored,
    Order will return.
    But before that day you and your people must learn.

    You made us immortals,
    You made us foes.
    You will be shown the hate that within each of us grows.

    Your world will burn just like ours,
    And you shall burn with the rest of your cowards.

    You have a wife and a son,
    Or so I have been told.
    I will weep as you die.
    Their blood is on your hands,
    Because of your actions,
    Their souls have been sold.

    Will they have to die as well,
    I fear that is what I may do.
    You taught me what,
    Do unto others as they do unto you.

    I will draw my blade,
    Slit your boy's throat,
    Ear to ear.
    Blood again will spill upon my land,
    And I will not let them shed a single tear.

    Draw and quarter them I will,
    Their insides will spill out,
    Then I will burn them upon this blood soaked ground.
    Their corpses will not be safe,
    For only ashes will be found.

    I will make you watch,
    The last words you will hear will be them shouting your name.
    They will realize they have been damned by their father's fame.

    So rise up my brethren,
    Those who rest among the slain.
    Rise up my people,
    We are born once again.

    We will bring the blessing of Hades as life's departing gift,
    And we will not give them the pleasure of a death that is so swift.

    Their judgment is at hand,
    For it has been cast by those already judged.
    They will be shown that even in death,
    We cannot be budged.

    So now as I speak my brothers,
    Stand upon your graves.
    Follow me and know their fall is as imminent as our merciful God does save.

    Are we blessed or are we damned,
    It does not matter,
    Their lives are what we demand.
    We will not rest until their blood has stained the land,
    Come now my people,
    We now hold retribution in our hands."