• Love Masquerade

    A masquerade for fools
    hopeful fools
    the man
    or woman of their dreams
    only to find they...
    they are truly the fool...
    of this story
    and the fool...
    remains stuck
    in the long trap...
    of masks and costumes...
    this never-ending dance
    the fools remain trapped...
    until the light
    and ray of hope
    when they find
    they are a fool of this story
    they fall again
    falling into the trap of this masquerade
    of love...
    or so they believed
    the so called love is...
    now a false love
    hidden behind a mask
    of hope and lies
    falling into the trap
    still after their one true love...
    falling after
    their hopes and dreams
    just to find its not meant to be
    they soon find out
    that they did not have to look
    very far or hard to find out
    who they are truly meant to be with
    or they have not found the right person
    yet they fall over and over again
    the dance goes on and on
    switching partners in
    this long masquerade
    dancing on and on
    in this dance of the
    love masquerade