• Rain is a beautiful thing

    Sitting inside,
    Thinking about you.
    About the times we spent out in the rain,
    Twirling and dancing to our hearts’ content…
    Rain is a beautiful thing.

    Remembering the one rainy day when we both said those three very simple words,
    “I love you.”
    How naïve we were,
    Not even knowing what it really meant.
    Or how those three little words could mean something so big…
    So grand…
    Rain is a beautiful thing.

    Bringing back memories both full of happiness and sorrow.
    How are you able to cause me so much pain?
    Weren’t you the one who told me you loved me?
    Where is that one person I love…
    Where is that one person who loved..?
    I sit here inside remembering this all as I watch the clouds cry…
    Rain is a beautiful thing.

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