• There’s not a squeak, there's not a noise,
    There’s flesh all around you,
    The wind is blowing, whooosh, whaaash
    You see a man down the path,
    He’s smirking with joy,

    I look to my boyfriend to say goodbye,
    I blow him a kiss, I don’t know why
    I turn around, to see the man walking,
    I hear my boyfriend cry with fear “I love
    You my darling!"Then he gave me a tear

    I hear my boyfriend start the car up,
    He’s not courageous, he does nothing for
    Us, he drives off crying, saying "why oh why"
    Though he can't hear my I said in reply
    "The reason why, is because it's my time to die.”

    The man grew closer with every step,
    I took a step closer,
    As if it was a bet,
    I said to the man "kill the haters, love the truth"
    We walked on till we got to each other,
    He stabbed me and said "would you like another,
    Kill the good; love the bad, for without bad,
    We may all be sad, and if we are all sad
    We might as well all be dead. “He stabbed me once
    Again, I was growing weak,
    He was right I was wrong,
    I dropped to the ground
    With one last breath, I whispered the words
    "Here comes death"