• Whispers in the wind
    leaves rustling
    calling out my name
    reminding me of things
    long ago forgotten
    Memories bubble
    to the surface and boil over into my mind.

    Rain falling, dripping
    on the window pane.
    Tears slide down my cheeks.
    Reliving the day you turned away
    Remembering the day we
    watched Romeo and Juliet together.
    You said, "Shakespeare knew
    how to write of love."

    I try to block those memories
    like a dam blocks a river.
    My shield doesn't work
    and they keep coming.
    Us at the park, you pushing me on the swings.
    Together on the see saw...
    I push them away and fight back the tears.....

    I've ran for so long
    and im tired of running...
    Guess it's time to face them
    and learn to live life without you.....
    learn to remember you....