• I thought I was past this
    Being sad all the time
    I thought I was happy
    Never more wanting
    My own demise.

    I though t I was happy
    But I guess I can't be
    Now that I’m crying
    Over what seems to be nothing.

    I don't want things
    To go back
    At least not to sorrow,
    Not to shame and pain.

    I've lost my touch
    My zip and my pop.
    I don't know what happened
    What did I do wrong?

    Much time has passed,
    Things have been said,
    You came to save me,
    You wanted us to wed.

    But now I have failed you,
    I'm sorry to say
    I feel I have betrayed you
    And on this, of all days.

    I'm sorry I did this
    I wasn't trying to,
    I never wanted
    To do this to you.