• The crys of the innocent fall upon the deaf ears of an angry god, and unto the crying soul of a demon.
    who waits alone in hell for the day to come, when his innocent cry comes unto a willing soul of equal innocence to overthrow the
    hard hearts of the angels with blooded wings of past wars and battles
    and conflicts of ages.

    As a man dies alone

    Of men and women pleaing to a dead god and his blood thirsty angels, inflicting rain of fire and floods
    upon those who praise his name. As the deamon waits in hell, his streangth reaturning as an angel dark of wing brings misery to an innocent soul and the deamon is enraged.

    A woman loses her child

    As he spreads his wings of glory and light, the eyes of the strong are opened in new light and protest the un-fair lord.
    heaven and hell wage war,with the mortal world as its battle feild.
    angels and demons alike perish in the bloody battle, in the end, itis the true of heart, who will prevail agoinst the wings of despair cast by an angry angel
    who is angry at himself, for he cannot find innocence, or hope. and he crys unto himself, and the heavens rain tears of the past, and hell raises the earth to sheild the innocent, of its un-just laments.

    And the ghosts of our past still haunts us