• The last rose in a dusty vase,
    It was wilting, and dying,
    For it has no one to hold,
    For love has abandoned it,
    And it loftly floated away,
    In to a sea of darkness.

    I was the last to leave,
    I was alone in the darkness,
    Yet, I embraced the pain,
    To go away,
    Away from the hurt of love,
    But it would not budge.

    The lonley cat flowed through the streets,
    Thinking it was free,
    But soon it felt wrong,
    Without a owner,
    It failed to love,
    But learned to worry.

    For now you know,
    What it feels,
    To be left alone,
    Or forgoten,
    'Cause remember,
    That it will always haunt you.