• Don’t you ever think its strange,
    How personal a thing can be
    but is so distant once on paper?
    I used to be hurting, too much to speak,
    And yet this one poem from years ago
    Rang out to me. It told me to keep my head
    Held high and keep pushing through.
    But I can remember at the time, my life
    Felt as if it were going to end.
    Broken hearts soon mend, true they echo hard
    But they soon are filled in with sweeter men.
    Still, don’t take caution to the wind, you’ve learned
    A lesson once, don’t fall for it again.
    You don’t want to look back at two poems written
    For the same pain, when it could have been easily
    Avoided. Yet hell no don’t hold back, let yourself
    Be free; hold your head high and keep breathing.
    Its finding the healthy in between that’s the hardest
    Part. But that’s all part of the roller coaster ride.
    Keep healthy, stay safe, don’t fall down if you
    don’t expect to get right back up, always keep
    bandage’s handy for those times you get scrapes
    and always keep that smile on your face,
    Cause trust me, reading what you once were
    Can lead you to what you will be,
    Broken hearts mend and sweet hearts send a
    Shiver down your spine. Just be sure to keep
    That head high and don’t scare them off to quickly.
    Don’t you ever read something you wrote and wonder
    Whether it’s ending the way it started?