• It should be a sin
    That someone like you walks the Earth
    Someone so perfect
    Someone just for me
    Someone so compatible
    Someone who holds the key

    It should be a sin
    That you've stolen my heart
    That your essence is entwined with mine
    That your kiss can set me dazed
    That your being holds me a sweet prisoner
    That your love keeps me safe

    It should be a sin
    That you think of me so highly
    So greatly it goes against all odds
    So fond of me that I am weak, so weak
    Guided by your intentions
    You feel you must protect

    It should be a sin
    That I cry knowing your mine
    Knowing that your heart and mine
    Are sealed, sealed for eternity
    Locked in effortless passion
    Ditsy and dizzy fluttery feelings

    It should be a sin
    I write like this for you
    Relinquish my thoughts, emotions on this page
    Just to tell you these simple phrases
    I love you,
    Yours in Eternity.