• The Way I feel about You is that...
    you make me feel loved, you have made me feel hate, you made me feel sad,happy,mad,all at the same time.
    i suppose i should have seen this coming though, people tellin me that your no good,that you will do nothin but hurt me,cheat me,then leave me,but I tell them that they are wrong. Then you go and stay out all night with your friends, leave me at your house. I feel so sad and then you come back and promise me it'll never happen again. You tell me you love me, kiss away my tears. Tell me you'll never touch me again, i have a bruise. My momma asks i tell her lies. Why you drink I do not know.

    My friends seen the bruises they olmost called 911 why i stopped them i do not know.. but i know one things for sure-i still love you.do you love me the way i've been lovin you all this time? You dont show it like you used to. You make me feel unloved,unhappy.I'm leaving you. I'm packin my bags,takin my things. Im takin my car, and Im gone.