• You left me
    Now i`m all alone
    Left in the corner
    In the dark

    My heart slowly turning to stone
    Every minute you leave me here
    By myself
    You see my tears
    But you pretend to not see it
    I know deep inside
    You care

    When i try to reach for your hand
    The darkness forces me back
    And i slip back into the dark
    Now i`m slowly fading in time
    Soon enough you will think of me
    As a mere memory, a thought never to be thought about
    Just a person in the past

    But in me
    You will always be there
    When i`m finally gone
    Will you finally think about me?

    Will you say you finally love me?
    But for now i`m trapped in a empty,soulless world
    Where all is dark

    When the winds blow
    You here me whispering into your ear
    Saying i love you

    When i fall
    You feel the soft touch of my lips
    Giving you a last kiss

    And all will fall when i do
    Your world will crumble into ruins
    And you say...
    I love you...always