• Roses are the greatest vipers
    their petals show subtle beauty
    while their thorns' savage desire
    lies just below the surface

    My kind is like that
    wee too bear a subtle beauty
    and a savage desire
    but ours does not hide
    a rose does not sate it's thirst
    but we do

    and yet you call us monsters
    you hunt us down
    and celebrate our deaths
    consider our heads and hearts as trophies

    are we any different from the rose?
    the rose you consider a gift
    a symbol of love
    yet deep down it wants only blood

    it cares of nothing else
    only survival
    just as we do
    just as you do
    you kill to survive
    just like us

    we kill as well
    we admit to it
    you, however
    you hide behind morals
    say things like
    "It is a righteous endeavor"
    "they deserve it"
    "it is the right thing to do"

    you may hide behind these
    if it is your wish
    but deep down
    you know the truth
    and so do we

    we do not need to hide it
    we kill to survive
    we do not hide our beauty
    nor do we hide our thirst
    we are just like the rose
    our thorns are hidden beneath our petals
    and yet so easy to see
    we are simply hated
    while the rose is loved