• If I'd had one more moment,
    one more moment of your time,
    time you gave to him not me.

    If I'd had one more moment,
    one more moment to tell you
    all that you ever meant to me.

    If we'd had one more moment,
    one more moment alone together,
    to talk everything out together.

    If I'd had but one more moment,
    I would've cut out my heart,
    rapped it up, and gave it to you.

    If I'd known what you wanted,
    a full commitment, all my time,
    I would've given it all, every bit.

    If I'd known you'd be leaving,
    I would've run away from my life,
    just to follow you to the end.

    If I'd seen the future,
    my empty, lonely future,
    I would've ended it there.

    If I'd stopped to think of you,
    more than I already did,
    would it have changed anything?

    If you'd stopped to think of me,
    about my on-going struggle,
    for a career, an education.

    If you'd seen the future,
    your beautiful, plentiful future,
    would you have bothered with me?

    If you'd known I wouldn't follow,
    would you have left sooner,
    and neglect to shun me away?

    If you'd known what I needed,
    a structure to build off of,
    to build us, not me, a future.

    If you'd had one more moment,
    would you have accepted me,
    and kept me as your own?

    If we'd had one more moment,
    would you have sat and listened,
    and accepted my needs and plees?

    If you'd had one more moment,
    would you have told me just how
    meaningless you found my love?

    If you'd had one more moment,
    one more moment of my time,
    would it truely have mattered?