• Phase I
    Moonlight shines over an open sea
    Musicians play flutes to aid the clouds passing by
    A young woman graceful and tall
    Sings a song to calm them all
    A one winged angel appears in the darkening sky
    His sheltering ebony wing comforting the scared and the weak
    Phase II
    A young girl who is very small asks “Why can I be an angel like all?”
    The angel sheds a single tear and says “Who would welcome me here.”
    The young women smiles and says “No one has to welcome you here, you can come back anytime.”
    The angel’s hair blows softly in the wind
    His wings stretch out to comfort him
    The angel’s sapphire eyes show a scary past
    The young girl smiles and says “The past is sometimes hard but with new friends you can have a bright future.”
    Phase III
    The wind blows the emerald leaves
    To the flute melody
    The moon phase shift from the winter breeze
    Snowflakes dance on the crystal white ground
    The Angel looks up to the sky and says “I’ll miss my friends.”
    The young woman with the silver hair smiles and tells the flutist to play a special melody
    The angel closes his eyes and listens to the melody calmly
    As the moon moves he opens his eyes and says “Where did you learn to the play that song
    The young woman smiles and says “Someone I loved wrote that Melody for me.”
    The angel smiles warmly and says “On a moonlit night like this perhaps.”
    The young woman blushes a warmly rose “Yes, Who are you.”
    The angel bows and shakes his head his silky silver hair blowing in the gentle breeze
    My name is Mirage, but they call me Mirage of the Melody back at home.” The angel says his musical voice matching the flutes tune
    “Mirage is that you, you look amazing.” The young woman gasps breathing in the illumining mist
    “Who might this be I am acquainted by.” The angel says bowing politely
    “It’s me Luna.” Luna says smiling and pulling her hair down so the sliver curls frame her face
    “The Moon goddess Luna.” The angel says gracefully running to hug her
    “It’s good to see you.” Luna says holding him gently and sings softly
    Phase IIV
    The moonlight dances faith fully and a gentle song is heard in the breeze
    When Black Evening Wings spread a song the one you love will find you and
    Make new friends as well