• The time has come for women
    the time has come for men
    the time has come for bronze skinned Gods and Goddesses
    Send them to me, in pairs or alone
    with denim armor torn and leather braces tight
    send them gleaming with rainwater
    with torn soles
    and fervent eyes
    send them with souls untarnished
    and with tounges heavy of revolution
    send them ready for anything
    their hair toussled and teeth chipped
    fingernails dirty with Golgothan soil
    and chests bare and bleeding
    I want them able-bodied and strong
    flexible in spirit, mind, and hide
    tears running down ashen cheeks
    inspired not by fear, but from the sun into which they stare
    hopping still, as they do
    Send them to me, bathed in salvation
    send me them starving
    send me the poorest, the meek
    send me those that love the weak
    Give me your soldiers
    your fishers of men
    give me your all knowing youth
    on their knees praying
    Send me the unknowing weapons
    and the unprepared scholars
    Send me the poets of flesh
    and the artists of iron
    And though blisters may rise in their adolecent hands
    send me them
    though blood will spew from nostrils and from cuticles
    send me them
    though it will break your heart
    let me mold them, mend them, and make them glorious in the Light
    let me banish the atrocities of the earth from their ears
    and kiss their eyelids shut
    Let me lull them to sleep in the aftermath of a world they didnt choose
    and let their love reign through