• life is pain just wait and see
    are drugs really a necessity
    what have we come to our world is coming to an end
    so why should our lives be spent we live in our own personal hell
    so why don't we just drop dead
    because our world is coming to an end
    violence rings like a bell
    our world is coming to an end
    no one lends a hand
    some people just think we are trash
    why does it have to be this way
    our world is comng to an end
    abusement strikes our children and the people we love
    why must we suffer
    why must we endure this pain
    i cannot sustain this critical condition i am in
    we'll we ever be saved
    because our world is coming to an end
    we put a fake smile on everyday
    so we can hide our shame
    why just why do we need to live like this
    because our world is coming to an end
    people are dying people are crying
    do we really need to suffer
    because our world is coming to an end
    suicide comes out of nowwhere
    because depression hurts
    but we have already died inside
    because our world is coming to an end