• Costumes of fairies, skeletons, and television characters
    Blur around me as I dance in a circle
    My body flows against the corpses of strangers
    I can hear my laugh in the distance
    The sound was a gentle ring that pierced through moans
    I can see my smile shining in the darkness
    My teeth were the beacon to the corrupted
    I fade away into the mist of people

    Pushing me to the dance floor
    My friends spin me into my current reality
    Their bodies press against me
    I let the music sway my hips
    As my friends pull me into
    The abyss of their vanity
    And I, the puppet, let myself be manipulated
    By the strings of my insecurities
    I fade away into the dizziness of friends

    Every Male's head angled in my direction
    Every movement, look, laugh, and smile
    Are seen through lustful eyes
    They are deaf to my words
    Their perverted eyes jump up and down
    Taking in the sight of my figure
    In the reflection of their eyes I see them and myself
    Limbs entwined in a tangle of passion
    And I look in the mirror
    And the images are identical
    I fade away into the arms of men

    This is me now
    Superficial, apathetic, lustful, and impulsive
    I try to resist the addiction
    Of a night out mingling with deranged demons
    My mind wars with my disobedient body
    My heart pumps adrenaline-replaced blood
    My soul begs me to come back
    But the new me says,
    "There is no going back!"