• Soundless screams emitting from the back of your throat, you throw your head back as the red begins to show.
    Fingernails dug into the earth, keeping your frame from falling apart.

    Shakles around your neck tighten their grip to contain the thrashing within.
    You bare your teeth and shriek into the open nothingness, hoping your sound will shatter the barrier.
    Metallic taste drips off your lips, hitting the ground with a deafening noise.

    Your limbs are weak, yet you still continue to struggle against the hold.
    Flesh is tearing, trying to escape... but could it be that it's your fault?

    Searing tears stream down your face, deep down you know this is for you... this fate.
    With one final burst, you strain against the chains, every fiber of your being pushing for that one taste of relief.

    Your hand outstretched, begging for help as the shadows begin to engulf you.
    What's this? A passerby with warm, hurt eyes stops dead in his way.

    Fingers grasp your wrist, sharply jerking you towards his entity, entirely breaking the shakle that binds you.

    How lucky of you, for a savior to have found you writhing in pain.
    You don't deserve it, but he sure does think so... taking every blow that was meant for you.
    He is tattered and torn, but still he smiles for you...