• The tides begin to rise

    I stare into your deep blue eyes,
    You would think you could see fish swimming in there,
    They are like the ocean, beautiful but deep,
    With a hint of mystery.

    Your smile makes my stomach twist in knots,
    It’s so adorable,
    Your teeth aren’t perfect but they add to who you are,
    It used to make me smile, make laughter burst from my lungs,

    I miss it some times.
    I sometimes miss the good times,
    maybe the movie filled nights.

    Your voice is beautiful like doves cooing,
    I love hearing it.
    You’re my best friend,
    you were my best friend.

    Now everything is rotted away,
    I hate the look in your eyes,
    I can’t stand to look into the ocean.
    I can see sharks in them, they hate me too.

    Your smile is now one of sarcasm, of lies.
    Inside that smile is fakeness.
    You said you would walk through fire for me,
    But I can smell my flesh burning.

    That fire is here and you’re not,
    You have gone and left this world, you left me to drown in its flames.
    Some friend you were,
    I took your words for granted.

    But I’ve taken what was yours and it’s now mine,
    He adores me, as I adore him.
    Does it make you sick, to see your plan backfired?
    Does it make your hair stand up at its ends when you see us?

    Your pretty ocean eyes can’t save you now,
    Now you’re on fire, I can see you,
    I want to help you, but why should I help the one who lied first?
    But I can’t help it.

    Unlike you I can’t leave something so special to drown so,
    Ill protect you when you need it.
    And still get my own words thrown in my face,
    Like pie thrown at a clowns head.

    But remember I walked threw fire for you,
    singed my flesh for you but I put the fire out.
    You let the fire grow and I raised the tides.
    Remember, you lied.