• Dear Dream diary the things the night holds
    All of the stuff that my deep emotion molds

    Things of wonder, things of horror
    all open to the minds explorer

    Life is getting worse, and so are my dreams
    no one can help me, i dont know what it means

    Locked away, deep in my mind
    I try to find someone who is kind

    My heart and soul in need of mend,
    But there's no one i can call "friend"

    I don't want to be here, i want to get away
    I no longer would like to stay here to play

    so this is it, is death my only escape?
    The only thing to slash tourture's foul drape?

    All the time i pray, and pray
    But sleep's still filled full with dismay

    no, i wont let that happen,
    wont let my sarrow deepen

    sometimes i just want to cry,
    sometimes i just want to die
    I wont let that happen, i have to give life another try.