• When you lose a mother, what have you lost?
    You’ve lost your very first care-taker.
    She was there for your first sniffle; your first sneeze,
    She bathed you in oatmeal water when you got the chicken pox
    She fed you soup and jello when you caught a sore throat.
    She was with you for every illness and cared for you.
    She bathed you, dressed you and cleaned up after you for a great number of years.

    When you lose a mother, what have you lost?
    You’ve lost your closest advisor.
    No one was better to tell you which outfit looked better.
    She helped you make those important life decisions.
    She knew when the boy you brought home was no good
    Even if you ignored her about it.
    She would help you sort through school options
    No one was better for it because no one wanted you to succeed more.

    When you lose a mother, what have you lost?
    You’ve lost your comforter.
    She was there for the first time you fell and scraped your knee
    She was there for the first time someone called you a bad name.
    She was there when your social life crumbled.
    She was there when your best friend turned out to be not so great
    And when your boyfriend decided he wasn’t interested anymore.
    No matter what the problem, even if it was your own stupid fault
    She was there to hold you and tell you that it was ok.
    To tell you that you were loved.

    When you lose a mother, what have you lost?
    You’ve lost the person who loved you the most.
    She carried you for nine months
    She brought you into this world
    She gave you ever love and affection that she could.
    When you were a teenager and you shouted, “I Hate you Mom!”
    The words stung her and hurt her, but she still loved you.
    No matter what the cost, no matter what you did.
    She loved you.
    When you lose a mother, you lose so much more.