• This lullaby,
    Flowing gallantly,
    the moons pull of gravity
    Like water , it disapears
    from our hands
    the tide as high as the
    plain old oak tree
    It sleeping underneath the sun,
    the sky as its ocean drowing it
    with song, Dont you remember?
    The soul prone to the wind,
    wisping the hair out of your face,
    Little cloud, where do you come from?
    The wind as its alley, the water
    reproducing it. And underneath,
    the velvet night, the holes
    to heavan showing though,
    As the light shimmers across
    this black blanket.
    Its just a fragment of our
    imaginations, His wings outstreched
    to the ends of the earth,
    the atmosphere, only holding us back.
    Take just one breathe, and see what happens,
    Drinking the natural water that surrounds us.
    Can you not see?
    Watch it here, That ladybug, it falls on its back.
    That butterfly , you cannot catch.
    Why do we still chase it?
    light, creates the shades. The shades
    only accenting this light that
    radiates our pores. We were
    merely painted with acrylics. This
    canvas, rarely seen as beautiful.
    lifes longing embrace , as it is
    fully satsisfied by only our presence.