• Darkness...
    Pitch black as coal...
    Cold, silent...

    If darkness is thy master,
    Light will be unknown.

    If light is unknown,
    Only hate remains,
    And hate will bring sorrow,
    And sorrow will bring pain.

    The feeling of hate does not elude me,
    Yet darkness is not my master.

    I know the feelings of love,
    But never have I existed in the light.

    I reside mearly in the twilight,
    Not of light or darkness.
    But in the middle of the infinite battle,
    Between both sides.

    I pity the men and women of darkness,
    But that is no reason to hate them.

    I do not follow the people of light,
    But that is no reason for war.

    I will never follow either side,
    Light nor Dark.
    Instead I follow the Middle Way,
    A path lead on forever...