• You are the light which shines within the darkness of which i reside
    Tempting me and begging me to come into the light
    As i walk towards the light, darkness holds me back
    But then ours souls meet and the darkness creeps back as if afraid
    The only angel of which i would never ignore
    So devine and so beautiful
    Do thine eyes deceive me? No, you are real.
    But i cannot reach you, why not?
    I'm still here in my darkness but i keep walking forward to meet you my love
    Until then i will work my way through hell to be with you
    Cause i'am forever yours, through sickness and in health
    For this i swear on my ancestors graves
    Nothing will stand in my way to get to you
    No, not even thine own demons who clutch at my soul to keep it condemned
    But, you are the inspiration that keeps me walking forward
    I will reach you my angel and our souls will be eternally twined