• Poem #1

    When I picture love,
    I picture a young couple:
    Their faces are thirty years from wrinkles,
    Their eyes sparkle with dreams and ambitions

    When I picture this young couple,
    I picture a love grounded by passion
    Morning and night they think of each other,
    Daytime and evening they spend together

    When I picture this passion,
    I picture love songs full of vows and promises
    They promise each other world,
    They promise each other eternal feelings of love

    When I picture these vows,
    I picture the excitement inside them
    Dancing and singing, laughing and smiling,
    All is done with excitement and joy

    When I picture this excitement,
    I picture the feelings of faithfulness residing in it
    This faithfulness is proved by their vows;
    It is expressed by their passion

    When I picture love,
    I picture a young couple,
    I picture passion,
    I picture vows,
    I picture excitement,
    I picture faithfulness
    That's what true love is.

    Poem #2

    When I picture love,
    I picture an old couple:
    Their faces are wrinkled, but very kind
    Their eyes tell a tale of their wisdom

    When I picture this old couple,
    I picture a love grounded by decision
    Passion has given way to conscious choice
    It's less a loud laugh, more a peaceful smile

    When I picture this decision,
    I picture the endurance that has welded it
    The vows that were once said are now shown
    The promises are proved by endurance

    When I picture this endurance,
    I picture the calmness and stillness inside it
    The roller-coaster of excitement has ended,
    But the hand-in-hand walk of love is beginning

    When I picture this calmness,
    I picture the life-long faithfulness residing in it
    This faithfulness is proved by their endurance;
    It is expressed by their decision

    When I picture love,
    I picture an old couple,
    I picture decision,
    I picture endurance,
    I picture calmness,
    I picture faithfulness
    That's what true love is.