• The world stares at our generation

    and says that for us there is no salvation.

    The world looks at us and calls us sick

    that we feed off of them like blood thirsty ticks.

    Yet look what they have left us

    wars, debt, all without any progress.

    Fatherless homes, brothers dead

    and mothers hunting for a crust of bread.

    They say we are the young generation

    the sick generation; driving the world to annihilation.

    Its so laughable; we have been here but a few years

    as they have been destroying it all with another can
    of beer.

    So who's the sick generation now, adults?

    Go ahead and say we are lazy and produce no results

    Do you honestly think that your better?

    If so go ahead and wrap that lie around you like a sweater.

    Yeah go ahead and say we are doomed

    cause by your hatred you are consumed.

    Cause we aren't sick as you would think

    though we may be on the brink.

    But its what you have made us to be

    and our future we can guarantee.

    Sick you think us; but we won't break

    for we will bend and avoid your mistake.