• With plans to leave
    There's no time for hesitance
    But I'm not the type to skip a thought

    All the hypotheticals
    I claim I can't care about
    Make my heart pound and I don't know why

    I'm not the type to fall in love
    And I know I never will
    But isn't that a sort of lonely future

    All the happy thoughts
    That I held close since childhood
    Are plans that'll happen at the cost of something

    All the I don't knows
    Are really tearing me apart
    Cause for the first time I really don't know

    I'm confused on what I feel
    No idea on where to go and with who
    And in the end right now does it even matter

    I can always deny everything
    Even to myself but that's lying
    And I really wish I knew my own truth

    All the words I'll never say
    The secrets locked away from you
    But a part of me wishes you'd want to know

    So many broken promises
    Lying scattered on the pavement
    Take up so much space that we can't walk anymore

    I promise I will never change
    And that we'll meet again someday
    But I'm lying and I have and we won't and I'm only a little sorry

    I've reached a wall I can't knock over
    I've missed a thought I can't go back to
    And all the things that don't matter to me bother me so horribly

    And I promise that I don't care
    I'm sorry but I doubt I ever did
    But my heart hurts to think of parting

    All the memories I have made
    And all the ones I forget to make
    Will lie in this box forgotten because I can't

    Too late is the time to say this
    Too early is the day to do this
    And my life can have so many restrictions that I ignore

    Well you don't care at all
    And love I know you never did
    But that's just fine I've my own dirty secret

    Dark shadows in my closet
    Keep trying to break out
    And I'm not me if they do so someone tape the door shut

    They won't miss me
    No one will over time
    It's a mixed up messed up plan now

    She broke my heart
    So I keep everything from her
    She lied and I cried and now I'm leaving alone

    No one knows me at all
    And that's just the way I meant for it to be
    So please stop claiming you know because you really, really don't

    I'm not who he left behind
    I can't be who you got to know
    And I can't remember how to feel

    So maybe all these letters
    I never got to send should stay that way
    Because you don't need to know and he can never know and she will only hate me

    So maybe a lonely sounding future
    Is exactly what's right for me
    But then again I don't even know anything anymore, do I?