• i had the gun
    their was a body
    it had a hole
    a hole
    as big as the bullet in my gun

    they said it was me
    i couldnt even speack
    they tied me up
    then locked me up

    ten years had passed
    finaly my freedom would come at last
    the judge took one look at me
    he sad guilty
    their was no jury

    no justice
    a life of imprizonment
    i cryed at first but now i seek revenge


    i walked out to a street
    and i was free
    but the sadest thought
    ran threw my head
    who was that man they say i killed

    i walked to my house
    my husband at the door
    he called the hospital
    and sent me back....

    to the phyceunit
    in west wood general

    I killed my sanity that day i misunderstood